How circumcision reduces HIV risk
It is important to know how Male Circulation Methods work in order to evaluate whether or not this surgical procedure should be included in the treatment options of men who are experiencing premature ejaculation. Many men have discovered that having the penises of their genitals made larger improves their sexual intercourse stamina. Others have experienced an increase in sensation, which allows them to control their ejaculations. There are many methods to make your penis larger, including creams and gels as well as weight loss and surgery.
Most men view male circumcision as a way of avoiding STDs. But the medical community has been debating the issue for years. Many argue against it due to the low incidence of HIV-infected people who have undergone the procedure. The debate centers around the concern over whether removing the foreskin will increase the likelihood of a male contracting HIV. Technically, the removal of the glans (or the portion of the shaft around the penis’ head) does increase the chance of contracting HIV. But, the reality is that most men who are at risk would have their foreskin taken anyway and so would not have to worry. Of course, those who do contract the virus will not notice any difference at all.
Supporters of circumcision often point that the Jewish religion forbids breast-feeding and that religious groups that forbid it believe that all Jews should refrain from having intercourse after marriage. Supporters of the removal and reduction of the foreskin cite the fact that 70% of world’s Jews practice female-genitalia restriction. This is a form of female sexual genitalia reduction. Jewish law states that a woman must not feel pain during childbirth. Therefore, anyone who wants to remain in the marital home must allow for female fertility reduction by circumcision. Therefore, it makes sense to them that this is a valid argument.
Circumcision also removes the target cell that HIV uses to inject itself into the bloodstream. The blood of an uncircumcised penile stem carries three types HIV: A, B and C. Circumcision removes the foreskin to ensure that no A cells make their way into the bloodstream. It ensures that no B cells make it into the bloodstream by removing the foreskin. And by removing the foreskin, it ensures that there are no C cells making it into the bloodstream.
How does this all work to reduce the risk of HIV infection? It reduces the risk of getting a new virus like HIV by keeping the target cells out of the bloodstream. It can lower the hiv incidence rate by as much as 40%. If the foreskin is retained throughout a man’s life, he is literally preventing his body from being exposed to a greater epithelial surface area than he might otherwise have.
You may be curious to learn about a recent study suggesting that HIV transmission may differ between men and women, given the way circumcision works. A controlled trial by a Canadian gynecologist, known for her studies of female genitalia, showed that HIV transmission is not higher in women than it is in men. This study, which was published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, involved only women. This finding will probably remain a finding in the absence of further research. The controlled trial cannot prove that gender is associated with HIV transmission and there is much controversy over whether condoms are safe for female sexual partners. This evidence does however indicate that women should consider this when deciding whether or not to circumcise.
Uncircumcised female partners are more likely to get a genital infection than those who are circumcised. Male transmission of HIV is thought to be facilitated by the presence of the foreskin, and this recent study shows that it is indeed possible for women to contract HIV after being infected with an uncircumcised male. Circumcision may reduce the risk of female HIV infection. The authors of the study suggested that circumcision may help to prevent the penis entering the vagina. Without the foreskin the penis can get trapped outside the vagina. Once it has entered the cervix and the uterus, it can enter the fallopian tubes and the ovaries and cause infection.
Circumcision could also reduce the risk of other infections caused by unsafe sex or a lack of protective measures such as women sharing pre-biotic yogurt with uncircumcised men. Women who have had unprotected sex with uncircumcised men increase their chances of developing inflammation in the vaginal and cervical cervix. A high level of herpes simplex virus in the foreskin and around the cervix of men is thought to be the cause of HPV. Removing the foreskin can reduce the HIV virus’s presence.